Hulp nodig?


Laatst bijgewerkt: July 28, 2022


Dit privacybeleid voor YLX GROUP CO., LIMITED (handelend onder de naam YLX Gear) ("YLX Gear," "wij," "ons," of "onze"), beschrijft hoe en waarom wij uw gegevens kunnen verzamelen, opslaan, gebruiken en/of delen ("verwerken") wanneer u gebruik maakt van onze diensten ("Diensten"), zoals wanneer u:

  • Onze website bezoekt op, of een website van ons die naar deze privacyverklaring linkt
  • Met ons in contact treedt op andere gerelateerde manieren, inclusief verkoop, marketing of evenementen

Vragen of zorgen? Het lezen van deze privacyverklaring zal u helpen uw privacy rechten en -keuzes te begrijpen. Als u het niet eens bent met ons beleid en onze praktijken, maak dan geen gebruik van onze diensten. Als u nog vragen of opmerkingen hebt, kunt u contact met ons opnemen via



Deze samenvatting bevat de belangrijkste punten uit onze privacyverklaring, maar u kunt meer details over elk van deze onderwerpen vinden door te klikken op de link na elk belangrijk punt of door onze inhoudsopgave hieronder te gebruiken om de sectie te vinden die u zoekt.

Welke persoonlijke informatie verwerken wij?Wanneer u onze Diensten bezoekt, gebruikt of er doorheen navigeert, kunnen wij persoonlijke informatie verwerken, afhankelijk van hoe u omgaat met YLX Gear en de Diensten, de keuzes die u maakt, en de producten en functies die u gebruikt.

Verwerken wij gevoelige persoonsgegevens? Wij verwerken geen gevoelige persoonlijke informatie.

Ontvangen wij informatie van derden? Wij ontvangen geen informatie van derden.

Hoe verwerken wij uw informatie?Wij verwerken uw gegevens om onze Diensten te verlenen, te verbeteren en te beheren, met u te communiceren, voor beveiliging en fraudepreventie, en om te voldoen aan de wet. Wij kunnen uw informatie ook voor andere doeleinden verwerken met uw toestemming. We verwerken uw gegevens alleen als we daar een geldige wettelijke reden voor hebben.

In welke situaties en met welke soorten partijen delen wij persoonlijke informatie? Wij kunnen informatie delen in specifieke situaties en met specifieke categorieën van derde partijen.

Hoe houden wij uw informatie veilig? Wij beschikken over organisatorische en technische processen en procedures om uw persoonlijke informatie te beschermen. Geen enkele elektronische transmissie via het internet of technologie voor informatieopslag kan echter 100% veilig worden gegarandeerd, dus we kunnen niet beloven of garanderen dat hackers, cybercriminelen of andere onbevoegde derden niet in staat zullen zijn onze beveiliging te omzeilen en uw informatie op ongepaste wijze te verzamelen, te openen, te stelen of te wijzigen.

Wat zijn uw rechten? Afhankelijk van waar u zich geografisch bevindt, kan de toepasselijke privacywetgeving betekenen dat u bepaalde rechten hebt met betrekking tot uw persoonlijke informatie.

Hoe oefent u uw rechten uit? De eenvoudigste manier om uw rechten uit te oefenen is door contact met ons op te nemen. Wij zullen elk verzoek in overweging nemen en ernaar handelen in overeenstemming met de toepasselijke wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming.

Wilt u meer weten over wat YLX Gear doet met de informatie die wij verzamelen?



De persoonlijke informatie die u aan ons verstrekt.

In het kort: Wij verzamelen persoonlijke informatie die u aan ons verstrekt.

Wij verzamelen persoonsgegevens die u vrijwillig aan ons verstrekt wanneer u zich registreert op de Diensten, belangstelling toont voor het verkrijgen van informatie over ons of onze producten en Diensten, wanneer u deelneemt aan activiteiten op de Diensten, of anderszins wanneer u contact met ons opneemt.


Persoonlijke informatie door u verstrekt. De persoonlijke informatie die wij verzamelen hangt af van de context van uw interacties met ons en de Diensten, de keuzes die u maakt, en de producten en functies die u gebruikt. De persoonlijke informatie die we verzamelen kan het volgende omvatten:

  • namen
  • telefoonnummers
  • e-mailadressen
  • postadressen
  • wachtwoorden
  • contactvoorkeuren
  • factuuradressen
  • debet/credit kaart nummers
  • contact- of verificatiegegevens

Vertrouwelijke informatie. Wij verwerken geen vertrouwelijke informatie.

Betalingsgegevens. Wij kunnen gegevens verzamelen die nodig zijn om uw betaling te verwerken als u aankopen doet, zoals het nummer van uw betaalmiddel (zoals een creditcardnummer), en de beveiligingscode die bij uw betaalmiddel hoort. Alle betalingsgegevens worden opgeslagen door Stripe en Paypal. U kunt hun privacyverklaring link(s) hier vinden: en

Inloggegevens sociale media. Wij kunnen u de mogelijkheid bieden om u bij ons te registreren met behulp van uw bestaande sociale media-accountgegevens, zoals uw Facebook-, Twitter-, of andere sociale media-account. Als u ervoor kiest om u op deze manier te registreren, zullen wij de gegevens verzamelen die worden beschreven in het gedeelte "HOE GAAN WIJ MET UW SOCIALE INLOGGEN OM?" hieronder.

Alle persoonlijke informatie die u ons verstrekt moet waarheidsgetrouw, volledig en accuraat zijn, en u dient ons op de hoogte te stellen van eventuele wijzigingen in deze persoonlijke informatie.


Automatisch verzamelde informatie

In het kort: Sommige informatie - zoals uw Internet Protocol (IP)-adres en/of browser- en apparaatkenmerken - wordt automatisch verzameld wanneer u onze Diensten bezoekt.

We verzamelen automatisch bepaalde informatie wanneer u de Diensten bezoekt, gebruikt of er doorheen navigeert. Deze informatie onthult niet uw specifieke identiteit (zoals uw naam of contactgegevens), maar kan apparaat- en gebruiksinformatie bevatten, zoals uw IP-adres, browser- en apparaat kenmerken, besturingssysteem, taalvoorkeuren, verwijzende URL's, apparaat naam, land, locatie, informatie over hoe en wanneer u onze Diensten gebruikt, en andere technische informatie. Deze informatie is voornamelijk nodig om de veiligheid en werking van onze Services te handhaven en voor onze interne analyse- en rapportagedoeleinden.

Zoals veel bedrijven verzamelen wij ook informatie via cookies en soortgelijke technologieën. U kunt hierover meer te weten komen in onze Cookie Notice:

De informatie die wij verzamelen kan het volgende omvatten:

  • Log- en gebruiksgegevens. Log- en gebruiksgegevens zijn service gerelateerde, diagnostische, gebruiks- en prestatiegegevens die onze servers automatisch verzamelen wanneer u onze Services opent of gebruikt en die we vastleggen in logbestanden. Afhankelijk van hoe u met ons communiceert, kunnen deze loggegevens uw IP-adres, apparaat informatie, browsertype en instellingen en informatie over uw activiteit in de Services (zoals de datum/tijd-stempels die zijn gekoppeld aan uw gebruik, bekeken pagina's en bestanden, zoekopdrachten en andere acties die u onderneemt, zoals welke functies u gebruikt), apparaat gebeurtenis informatie (zoals systeemactiviteit, foutrapporten (soms "crash dumps" genoemd) en hardware-instellingen) bevatten.
  • Apparaat gegevens. We verzamelen apparaat gegevens zoals informatie over uw computer, telefoon, tablet of andere apparaten die u gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot de Services. Afhankelijk van het gebruikte apparaat kunnen deze apparaat gegevens informatie bevatten zoals uw IP-adres (of proxyserver), apparaat- en toepassingsidentificatienummers, locatie, browsertype, hardwaremodel, internetserviceprovider en/of mobiele provider, besturingssysteem en informatie over de systeemconfiguratie.
  • Locatiegegevens. We verzamelen locatiegegevens zoals informatie over de locatie van uw apparaat, die zowel nauwkeurig als onnauwkeurig kan zijn. Hoeveel informatie we verzamelen, is afhankelijk van het type en de instellingen van het apparaat dat u gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot de Services. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld GPS en andere technologieën gebruiken om geolocatiegegevens te verzamelen die ons uw huidige locatie vertellen (op basis van uw IP-adres). U kunt ervoor kiezen ons niet toe te staan deze informatie te verzamelen door de toegang tot de informatie te weigeren of door uw locatie-instelling op uw apparaat uit te schakelen. Echter, als u ervoor kiest om u af te melden, kan het zijn dat u bepaalde aspecten van de Diensten niet kunt gebruiken.



In het kort: Wij verwerken uw gegevens om onze Diensten te verlenen, te verbeteren en te beheren, met u te communiceren, voor beveiliging en fraudepreventie, en om te voldoen aan de wet. Met uw toestemming kunnen wij uw gegevens ook voor andere doeleinden verwerken.

Wij verwerken uw persoonsgegevens om verschillende redenen, afhankelijk van hoe u met onze Diensten omgaat, waaronder:

  • Om het aanmaken en verifiëren van accounts te vergemakkelijken en anderszins gebruikersaccounts te beheren. Wij kunnen uw gegevens verwerken zodat u uw account kunt aanmaken en inloggen, en uw account in orde kunt houden.
  • Om diensten aan de gebruiker te leveren en de levering ervan te vergemakkelijken. Wij kunnen uw gegevens verwerken om u de gevraagde dienst te leveren.
  • Om te reageren op vragen van gebruikers/ondersteuning te bieden aan gebruikers. Wij kunnen uw gegevens verwerken om te reageren op uw vragen en om eventuele problemen op te lossen die u zou kunnen hebben met de gevraagde dienst.
  • Om administratieve informatie naar u te sturen. Wij kunnen uw gegevens verwerken om u informatie te sturen over onze producten en diensten, wijzigingen in onze voorwaarden en ons beleid, en andere soortgelijke informatie.
  • Om uw bestellingen uit te voeren en te beheren. Wij kunnen uw informatie verwerken om uw bestellingen, betalingen, retourzendingen en omruilingen via de Services uit te voeren en te beheren.
  • Om u marketing- en promotionele berichten te sturen. Wij kunnen de persoonlijke informatie die u naar ons stuurt verwerken voor onze marketingdoeleinden indien dit in overeenstemming is met uw marketingvoorkeuren. U kunt zich op elk moment afmelden voor onze marketing e-mails. Voor meer informatie, zie "WAT ZIJN UW PRIVACY RECHTEN?" hieronder).
  • Om onze Diensten te beschermen. Wij kunnen uw gegevens verwerken als onderdeel van onze inspanningen om onze Diensten veilig en beveiligd te houden, met inbegrip van fraudebewaking en -preventie.
  • Om gebruikstrends te identificeren. We kunnen informatie verwerken over hoe u onze Services gebruikt om beter te begrijpen hoe ze worden gebruikt, zodat we ze kunnen verbeteren.
  • Om de effectiviteit van onze marketing- en promotiecampagnes te bepalen. We kunnen uw informatie verwerken om beter te begrijpen hoe we marketing- en promotiecampagnes kunnen aanbieden die het meest relevant voor u zijn.
  • Om het vitale belang van een persoon te bewaren of te beschermen. We kunnen uw informatie verwerken wanneer dat nodig is om het vitale belang van een persoon te redden of te beschermen, zoals het voorkomen van schade.



In het kort: Wij verwerken uw persoonsgegevens alleen wanneer wij van mening zijn dat dit noodzakelijk is en wij een geldige wettelijke reden (d.w.z. rechtsgrondslag) hebben om dit te doen onder de toepasselijke wetgeving, zoals met uw toestemming, om te voldoen aan wetten, om u diensten te verlenen om onze contractuele verplichtingen aan te gaan of na te komen, om uw rechten te beschermen, of om te voldoen aan onze legitieme zakelijke belangen.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR require us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on in order to process your personal information. As such, we may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information:

  • We may process your information if you have given us permission (i.e., consent) to use your personal information for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Performance of a Contract. We may process your personal information when we believe it is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you, including providing our Services or at your request prior to entering into a contract with you.
  • Legitimate Interests. We may process your information when we believe it is reasonably necessary to achieve our legitimate business interests and those interests do not outweigh your interests and fundamental rights and freedoms. For example, we may process your personal information for some of the purposes described in order to:
    • Send users information about special offers and discounts on our products and services
    • Analyze how our services are used so we can improve them to engage and retain users
    • Support our marketing activities
    • Diagnose problems and/or prevent fraudulent activities
  • Legal Obligations. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations, such as to cooperate with a law enforcement body or regulatory agency, exercise or defend our legal rights, or disclose your information as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
  • Vital Interests. We may process your information where we believe it is necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person.



In Short: We may share information in specific situations described in this section and/or with the following categories of third parties.

Vendors, Consultants, and Other Third-Party Service Providers. We may share your data with third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents ("third parties") who perform services for us or on our behalf and require access to such information to do that work. We have contracts in place with our third parties, which are designed to help safeguard your personal information. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They will also not share your personal information with any organization apart from us. They also commit to protect the data they hold on our behalf and to retain it for the period we instruct. The categories of third parties we may share personal information with are as follows:

  • Order Fulfillment Service Providers
  • Payment Processors


We also may need to share your personal information in the following situations:

  • Business Transfers. We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
  • Affiliates. We may share your information with our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this privacy notice. Affiliates include our parent company and any subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us.
  • Business Partners. We may share your information with our business partners to offer you certain products, services, or promotions.



In Short: We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store your information.

We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies (like web beacons and pixels) to access or store information. Specific information about how we use such technologies and how you can refuse certain cookies is set out in our Cookie Notice:



In Short: If you choose to register or log in to our services using a social media account, we may have access to certain information about you.

Our Services offer you the ability to register and log in using your third-party social media account details (like your Facebook or Twitter logins). Where you choose to do this, we will receive certain profile information about you from your social media provider. The profile information we receive may vary depending on the social media provider concerned, but will often include your name, email address, friends list, and profile picture, as well as other information you choose to make public on such a social media platform.

We will use the information we receive only for the purposes that are described in this privacy notice or that are otherwise made clear to you on the relevant Services. Please note that we do not control, and are not responsible for, other uses of your personal information by your third-party social media provider. We recommend that you review their privacy notice to understand how they collect, use, and share your personal information, and how you can set your privacy preferences on their sites and apps.



In Short: We keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless otherwise required by law.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy notice unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as tax, accounting, or other legal requirements). No purpose in this notice will require us to keep your personal information for longer than the period of time in which users have an account with us.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize such information or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.



In Short: We aim to protect your personal information through a system of organizational and technical security measures.

We have implemented appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process. However, despite our safeguards and efforts to secure your information, no electronic transmission over the Internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, the transmission of personal information to and from our Services is at your own risk. You should only access the Services within a secure environment.



In Short: We do not knowingly collect data from or market to children under 18 years of age.

We do not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under 18 years of age. By using the Services, you represent that you are at least 18 or that you are the parent or guardian of such a minor and consent to such minor dependent’s use of the Services. If we learn that personal information from users less than 18 years of age has been collected, we will deactivate the account and take reasonable measures to promptly delete such data from our records. If you become aware of any data we may have collected from children under the age of 18, please contact us at



In Short: In some regions, such as the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK), you have rights that allow you greater access to and control over your personal information. You may review, change, or terminate your account at any time.

In some regions (like the EEA and the UK), you have certain rights under applicable data protection laws. These may include the right (i) to request access and obtain a copy of your personal information, (ii) to request rectification or erasure; (iii) to restrict the processing of your personal information; and (iv) if applicable, to data portability. In certain circumstances, you may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. You can make such a request by contacting us by using the contact details provided in the section "HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?" below.

We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. 

If you are located in the EEA or UK and you believe we are unlawfully processing your personal information, you also have the right to complain to your local data protection supervisory authority. You can find their contact details here:

If you are located in Switzerland, the contact details for the data protection authorities are available here:

Withdrawing your consent: If we are relying on your consent to process your personal information, which may be express and/or implied consent depending on the applicable law, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by using the contact details provided in the section "HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?" below or by updating your preferences.

However, please note that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal, nor when applicable law allows, will it affect the processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

Opting out of marketing and promotional communications: You can unsubscribe from our marketing and promotional communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the emails that we send, or by contacting us using the details provided in the section "HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?" below. You will then be removed from the marketing lists. However, we may still communicate with you — for example, to send you service-related messages that are necessary for the administration and use of your account, to respond to service requests, or for other non-marketing purposes.

Account Information

If you would at any time like to review or change the information in your account or terminate your account, you can:

  • Log in to your account settings and update your user account.
  • Contact us using the contact information provided.

Upon your request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. However, we may retain some information in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our legal terms, and/or comply with applicable legal requirements.

Cookies and similar technologies: Most Web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually choose to set your browser to remove cookies and to reject cookies. If you choose to remove cookies or reject cookies, this could affect certain features or services of our Services. To opt-out of interest-based advertising by advertisers on our Services visit For further information, please see our Cookie Notice:

If you have questions or comments about your privacy rights, you may email us at



Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems and mobile applications include a Do-Not-Track ("DNT") feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected. At this stage, no uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been finalized. As such, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online. If a standard for online tracking is adopted that we must follow in the future, we will inform you about that practice in a revised version of this privacy notice.



In Short: Yes, if you are a resident of California, you are granted specific rights regarding access to your personal information.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83, also known as the "Shine The Light" law, permits our users who are California residents to request and obtain from us, once a year and free of charge, information about categories of personal information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared personal information in the immediately preceding calendar year. If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please submit your request in writing to us using the contact information provided below.

If you are under 18 years of age, reside in California, and have a registered account with Services, you have the right to request the removal of unwanted data that you publicly post on the Services. To request the removal of such data, please contact us using the contact information provided below and include the email address associated with your account and a statement that you reside in California. We will make sure the data is not publicly displayed on the Services, but please be aware that the data may not be completely or comprehensively removed from all our systems (e.g., backups, etc.).


CCPA Privacy Notice

The California Code of Regulations defines a "resident" as:

(1) every individual who is in the State of California for other than a temporary or transitory purpose and

(2) every individual who is domiciled in the State of California who is outside the State of California for a temporary or transitory purpose

All other individuals are defined as "non-residents.

If this definition of "resident" applies to you, we must adhere to certain rights and obligations regarding your personal information.


What categories of personal information do we collect?

We have collected the following categories of personal information in the past twelve (12) months:

  1. Identifiers: Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name
  2. Commercial information: Transaction information, purchase history, financial details, and payment information
  3. Internet or other similar network activity: Browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements
  4. Geolocation data: Device location

We may also collect other personal information outside of these categories in instances where you interact with us in person, online, or by phone or mail in the context of:

  • Receiving help through our customer support channels;
  • Participation in customer surveys or contests; and
  • Facilitation in the delivery of our Services and responding to your inquiries.


How do we use and share your personal information?

YLX GROUP CO., LIMITED collects and shares your personal information through:

  • Targeting cookies/Marketing cookies
  • Social media cookies
  • Beacons/Pixels/Tags

More information about our data collection and sharing practices can be found in this privacy notice and our Cookie Notice:

You can opt out of the selling of your personal information by disabling cookies in Cookie Preference Settings.

You may contact us by email at

If you are using an authorized agent to exercise your right to opt-out we may deny a request if the authorized agent does not submit proof that they have been validly authorized to act on your behalf.


Will your information be shared with anyone else?

We may disclose your personal information with our service providers pursuant to a written contract between us and each service provider. Each service provider is a for-profit entity that processes the information on our behalf.

We may use your personal information for our own business purposes, such as for undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration. This is not considered to be "selling" of your personal information.

YLX GROUP CO., LIMITED has disclosed the following categories of personal information to third parties for a business or commercial purpose in the preceding twelve (12) months:

  • Identifiers, such as contact details like your real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name.
  • Personal information, as defined in the California Customer Records law, such as your name, contact information, education, employment, employment history, and financial information.
  • Commercial information, such as transaction information, purchase history, financial details, and payment information.
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements.
  • Geolocation data, such as device location.

The categories of third parties to whom we disclosed personal information for a business or commercial purpose can be found under "WHEN AND WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?".

The categories of third parties to whom we sold personal information are:

  • Ad Networks
  • Retargeting Platforms
  • Social Networks


Your rights with respect to your personal data

Right to request deletion of the data — Request to delete

You can ask for the deletion of your personal information. If you ask us to delete your personal information, we will respect your request and delete your personal information, subject to certain exceptions provided by law, such as (but not limited to) the exercise by another consumer of his or her right to free speech, our compliance requirements resulting from a legal obligation, or any processing that may be required to protect against illegal activities.

Right to be informed — Request to know

Depending on the circumstances, you have a right to know:

  • whether we collect and use your personal information;
  • the categories of personal information that we collect;
  • the purposes for which the collected personal information is used;
  • whether we sell your personal information to third parties;
  • the categories of personal information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose;
  • the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and
  • the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.


In accordance with applicable law, we are not obligated to provide or delete consumer information that is de-identified in response to a consumer request or to re-identify individual data to verify a consumer request.

Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights

We will not discriminate against you if you exercise your privacy rights.

Verification process

Upon receiving your request, we will need to verify your identity to determine if you are the same person about whom we have the information in our system. These verification efforts require us to ask you to provide information so that we can match it with the information you have previously provided us. For instance, depending on the type of request you submit, we may ask you to provide certain information so that we can match the information you provide with the information we already have on file, or we may contact you through a communication method (e.g., phone or email) that you have previously provided to us. We may also use other verification methods as the circumstances dictate.

We will only use the personal information provided in your request to verify your identity or authority to make the request. To the extent possible, we will avoid requesting additional information from you for the purposes of verification. However, if we cannot verify your identity from the information already maintained by us, we may request that you provide additional information for the purposes of verifying your identity and for security or fraud-prevention purposes. We will delete such additionally provided information as soon as we finish verifying you.

Other privacy rights

  • You may object to the processing of your personal information.
  • You may request correction of your personal data if it is incorrect or no longer relevant, or ask to restrict the processing of the information.
  • You can designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf. We may deny a request from an authorized agent that does not submit proof that they have been validly authorized to act on your behalf in accordance with the CCPA.

To exercise these rights, you can contact us by email at, or by referring to the contact details at the bottom of this document. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you.



In Short: Yes, we will update this notice as necessary to stay compliant with relevant laws.

We may update this privacy notice from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by an updated "Revised" date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to review this privacy notice frequently to be informed of how we are protecting your information.



If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email us at or by post to:

Hong Kong



Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may have the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you, change that information, or delete it. To request to review, update, or delete your personal information, please contact

Copyright Ⓒ 2023 by YLX GROUP CO., LIMITED All rights reserved.